Friday, January 9, 2009

CCLS 23 Things #18: Discovering Web 2.0 tools

Maybe we're getting a little too "cutting edge" with this exercise...

After looking through the SEOmoz categories, I decided to explore the online desktops/operating systems. At my previous job I used a program called Citrix to access my employer's network from home, which meant I could sometimes telecommute. So I really like the idea of having a virtual desktop and online file storage, and I was all set to choose among the four winners in this category.

The link for the winner, zimdesk, displayed a page that says "zimdesk v2 will be available here soon." But right now there's nothing there.

At the second place site,, my computer displayed warnings that a script on the page might cause my PC to crash. I braved my way through part of the demo but decided against creating an account. I noticed that they use Zoho for their their online apps, and after having to adapt to both Word 2007 and Google docs, I really don't want to take time to learn another word processing program.

The third place winner, called Zoowy, returned a 404 error (this page cannot be found).

Fourth place went to a site called Glide, and I watched their demo video, but by then I had decided to wait a while before jumping in to these apparently untested waters.

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